Author: withersaj

  • Gender Affirming Surgery & Regret

    The article discusses the disproportionate focus on regret in gender-affirming surgeries as a moral panic aimed at limiting access to medical care for transgender individuals. It compares the regret rates of various life choices and surgeries, highlighting the minimal regret associated with gender-affirming procedures. The right’s emphasis on this issue, as well as the narratives…

  • The City of Toronto & Refugees in the Shelter

    In 2023, the city of Toronto violated its own Sanctuary City policy by barring people based on immigration status from the shelter system. It also released misleading shelter data to support its actions. This article provides important context and background to understand this issue.

  • Check Your Sizeism

    The writer describes their struggle with social interaction and weight loss after because of illness. They provide a bookmark to call-in people who made offence comments to them about their body. It provides thoughtful comments about body size and health and educate themselves on fat politics.

A Website.